Hmmm ....... while relaxing warm drink cappuccino, again early in the morning while reading the newspaper .... A newspaper publication in the capital city and discuss a ban on the block-block, so news ".......... Initially, the government proposes that the filter will only block sites and child pornography in order to keep terrorists and child safety make all feel safe. However, Australia's online censorship and desires to expand the trial in order to cover the government filter traffic download. The plan is to protests in various cities across Australia......." after reading the news about the obvious fact, the Australian government to block porn sites and some sites that do not deserve to be viewed by a child .... What in Beijing even more fierce again, a newspaper publication in the United States can access an online government even blocked by China .... Indonesian also a less lo block porn sites, even in the filter with special software to block the one that matters. Ups ... the small-minded ... I prankish still looking for porn sites ??!!?? he can? Government said is in the filter ... (the filter is big hole ...... )the government some time ago already excited with the software to filter porn sites, but after the survey, which was where many of download browsing and addresses, I said at the filter? but merely a fact craven .... I believe there is a fear? there is evidence that some sites had disappeared from circulation but ... now appear more. I'm not serious, want to block .... he’s can the block “minah” (meaning oil). but I do you need to do is blocked porno sites? because now rahma azari and sarah azari dizziness more turbulence a site the image naked .. so that I'm not closed sites that, but I'm not close to a shock trapi prankish artists who like to make a personal collection of important...
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